Frontend Engineer building solutions with Vanilla, React.js and Node.js (nights, venturing into Rust). Coordinating migrations in complex systems for sustainable products for the coming years, building tools and components to accelerate development and improve the user experience.

I'm working as a Frontend Engineer on Liferay. Especially in the Frontend Infrastructure team and leading the Clay Design System squad - A Web Implementation of Lexicon Experience Language.


Triton.js - Node.js Serverless FrameworkComing soon

Build scalable and fastest APIs for Node.js Serverless Function.


Simple SPA alternative for small web pages in 2 kB.


The framework specialized in animated components.

Kep - The Framework for API's

Kep is a framework written in PHP, specifies the creation of API, simple and flexible for beginners.

Probot Ray

🤖 Ray is a probot helping in adding labels when issues its referencing on pr.

Generates a source map for Closure template (Soy templates)

Generates a source map for Closure template (Soy templates) based on the implementation described here. The parsed code is the compiled to incremental DOM that is made here.